Monday, July 11, 2011

Everything is Chipping Away

I've long thought about what kind of damage certain things in our society do to us. For example most people say, "that music doesn't influence me, I just like the beat and sound of it", or "that video game won't cause me to go out and kill anyone". And I think in many ways these people are right. But today it kind of dawned on my while I was listening to Wilson Phillips...

Everything is chipping away. Picture an artist looking at a big block of stone. Eventually that stone will become something. Who knows what he has in mind. But eventually, after much time and effort, something will become of that stone after it meets the hammer and chisel enough times.

I think it is the same with us and influences in our lives. With everything that comes into our life we are being formed. The influences in our society may not have a profound impact on our lives ultimately, but after much time spent with things, it forms us into what it wants us to be. It doesn't happen over night. But it does happen.

And so it is with God. God wants to shape and form us. Do we let him chisel? Do we spend time with Him like we do with our music, our games, our friends, our phones, our computers...Do we invest in the good things that our needed to be formed by the Master. Some of these things include getting into the Bible, praying, getting with friends at a service once a week, being at a Bible Study, being like Jesus in our community, etc.

Make no mistake, you are being formed and shaped. The question is: What are you being formed into?

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