Friday, August 12, 2011

My Problem with Christian Radio

I just had KLOVE on in the car. They were making this grand announcement about their upcoming contest. It was like a five minute thing culminating in them saying that they were going to send the winner to...drum roll please...pause for affect...ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO!

What in the world?!? I win stuff on the radio a lot. Most of the people close to me know this. This year I have won a family four pack to Disney on Ice, which we failed to use, two family four packs to Sea World, that's 8 tickets in case you didn't want to do the math, and two tickets to go see Jason Mraz, and meet him, in November.

You know what I'd do if I won a trip to Albuquerque, NM? I'd give it back, actually I'd take it and refuse to go just so that they couldn't give it to someone else to save them from having to go there. I've driven through there many, many times, I don't know why anyone would want to go there, let alone win tickets to go there.

Hence my problem with Christian Radio, or Christian Movies, or Christian media in general. They don't know how do to anything right. I'll say that probably the only exception to this rule is Air 1, which we don't have here in Escondido. For the most part all of Christendom doesn't know how to gain viewers, keep viewers, or put out a quality product.

Walking in the City Little Things Edition

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This Fine Mess (A Simple Plan to Solve Our Nation's Debt Problem)

So the Republicans aren't interested in bringing in more revenue. The Democrats have caved a little on spending but it's not near enough. What are we going to do to get out of this mess? Well here's the answer. With the amount of money that we're in debt to the world we need to stop all unnecessary spending (and that means ALL) and raise taxes. We can get out of this hole but we need the kind of leadership that will make these changes and not care about which side they are on. When I say leadership I'm not talking about any one person in Washington, I'm talking about all leadership in Washington.

I think my plan is pretty simple. Stop spending. Bring in more money to pay off debt. Done. I think Dave Ramsey would like my strategy as well. ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

G J 22960686 A

Anyone know what that is? Well it's the number off of a $20 bill. Yes, I know you're probably surprised that I have a whole $20 in my pocket, quite frankly, so am I. But I was thinking about that number and what it actually means? Why it's there? Then I started thinking that $20 is far less valuable then it used to be.

Thinking back a couple of weeks ago while I was giving out candy bars in Grape Day Park, $20 was actually quite a bit, relatively that is. A man laying on the ground offered me $.09 for a candy bar because that's all he had. I just gave him one, but $.09 is a very little amount of money. As a matter of fact $20 is 222 times the amount of money of $.09. Can you imagine having just $.09? Think about that and let it sink in. Now, can you imagine having just $.09 with no pay check on the way? Think about that and let THAT sink in.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Most Important Thing

"Everyone is someone who will spend eternity somewhere."

This was a quote form Kris this week at the Branches. I am at a point in my life where I understand this. I'm also at a point where I sometimes have a hard time telling people about Jesus, not because I am scared, but because I know many are going to deny this message. And that makes me sad.

The most important thing you need to know in your life is that Jesus should be your most important thing. If you can think of things, or even a thing, that is more important than Jesus you are going the wrong direction. Repent, which means to turn around and go God's way. Nothing is more important than Jesus.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sidney and Lucas' conversation in the back seat...

This week Sidney and Lucas were having a conversation in the back seat of our car that I overheard, it went something like this...

Sidney: "I thought that kids at Christian school would be a lot nicer than people at a public school."
Lucas: "Yeah, me too. Why do kids that call them selves Christian don't act Christian?!?"
Sidney: "I don't know, it's just really weird."

I wonder what that's all about? :(