Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This Fine Mess (A Simple Plan to Solve Our Nation's Debt Problem)

So the Republicans aren't interested in bringing in more revenue. The Democrats have caved a little on spending but it's not near enough. What are we going to do to get out of this mess? Well here's the answer. With the amount of money that we're in debt to the world we need to stop all unnecessary spending (and that means ALL) and raise taxes. We can get out of this hole but we need the kind of leadership that will make these changes and not care about which side they are on. When I say leadership I'm not talking about any one person in Washington, I'm talking about all leadership in Washington.

I think my plan is pretty simple. Stop spending. Bring in more money to pay off debt. Done. I think Dave Ramsey would like my strategy as well. ;)

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