Thursday, April 4, 2013

I've noticed something Nasty.

Just something I've noticed.  I think it's how God is growing me in this area.  If you take it personally know that I took it personally first.  Don't think I'm picking on you, I'm picking on myself.

Christians are mean to each other.

Example:  The Bible docudrama

I've heard a lot of Christians talk about it in the negative.  I don't know why?  I watched the whole thing and thought it was great!  Of course there was some "creative license" taken, we weren't there to actually see what happened.  We don't know what all of the emotions looked like.  

But we do this.  We have to make drama.  We think we have to have something to say.  I have to feed the forces of nastiness.  

We should love more.  We should enjoy each other more.  We should look past minor disagreements and leave them there.  In the past.  Actually, we should stop disagreeing over minor things.  

I don't think loving each other looks like correcting each other all the time, in minor things that don't matter.

What really matters is Jesus.  If we agree on Him other things should just be "creative license".

(Please don't prove my point and suggest in your mind that we can all think anything we want about important theological things.  I'm talking about minor things that don't make a difference in our faith walk with Jesus.  ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We Christians can be SOOO critical of others. It's out of control. This is a good, practical example. Thanks for the reminder James. Let's save our criticism for the things that matter most (ie, the gospel!).