Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ten Things I Hate

My mom always said hate was a strong word. As a matter of fact it seemed to be the only real cuss word in our house. But I thought I'd pull it out and give you a list of ten things I hate.
So here goes:

10.  Heat.  Anytime the temp gets above 85 I hate it.

9.  Gas.  Actually, I hate being so dependent on transportation that uses gas.

8.  Sticky stuff that gets on my hands.  I hate it when my hands get sticky.

7.  Tube TVs.  What did we do before flat panels?  Tube TVs are just so dad-gum heavy!

6.  When dirt gets on my new pair of shoes.  I know it has to happen, I just hate it when it does.

5.  Flies.

4.  Greed.

3.  Fat, on me, not on steak, I love fat on steak.

2.  The game Marco Polo.

1.  Raisins.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

amen on the heat, tube-tv's, and flies!!!