Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"We're nominating a President, not a Pastor."

I have done a pretty good job staying out of the fray, until recently.  You see, as a pastor I really don't have a dog in the hunt.  To be more specific, I am independent.  But here over the last several years I have become truly independent.  Not someone who says it for attention, but one who actually means they are independent.

(Is "dog in the hunt" an actual saying?)

Anyway, I digress.  Over the past several years I have defended Bush, defended Obama, even in some regards defended Clinton.  Generally I believe some people who have gotten into conversations with me think when I speak of these Presidents that I am for them.  And believe it or not, I am.  All three of these men say they believe in the God of the Universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  They have all claimed that Jesus is their Messiah.  I want that to be true.  They have all done things and said things that are contrary to what it means to be a Christ follower.  Haven't we all.  I want all men to know Christ and follow Him.  So if I want all men to know Christ, I want all Presidents to know Christ.  If I want all Presidents to know Christ then I want them to show that in their lives.

Some people have said to me in the past, "We're nominating a President, not a Pastor."  I get where these people are coming from, but I guess what I really want is a President who knows Jesus, follows Jesus, and in every aspect of His life is being affected by Jesus.  Knowing Jesus would naturally spill over into his Presidency.  If Jesus is the life changer, shouldn't this be what all Christians want?

Alas, most believe, including the Presidents themselves, that being Christian and being President are two separate compartments.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that Presidents should set out a decree that all people have to believe in Jesus.  That's ridiculous.  But I do believe that Presidents who claim Christ should make Christ the central focus of their life and that should reflect in the decisions they make.

So as we go further into this election year just know that I want all involved to know Christ, the real Christ.  "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."  (Philippians 3:8a)  I want all to know the Truth.  I want all to be speaking Truth.  Because Christ is the Truth.