Saturday, May 21, 2011

30 Minutes and Counting

Well it's down to 30 minutes and then Jesus will take me to heaven. Well I guess if you believe a false prophet. So what happens when 3:01 arrives? Well, I will actually keep living as Jesus wants me to live. I will occasionally screw up and then I will repent. Not to say that Jesus hasn't forgiven me of all my sins, but my repentance is what I am propelled to with the Holy Spirit inside of me.

Hopefully Harold Camping will repent publicly. Seeing as he put out a false prophesy publicly. But I'm not holding my breath, considering he was more than willing to prophesy falsely about a biggie.

What will True Christianity do with the mess that will have been created in 29 minutes. Well, probably nothing, because hasn't this "mess" been experienced before and won't it be experienced again. People who want to believe that all Christians are crazy will continue to believe that all Christians are crazy. Crazy "Christians" will continue to be crazy and not really believe what the Bible ACTUALLY says.

Bottom line is that I will continue to preach Christ. I will continue to tell people about the gospel today, tomorrow, next week and next year. I will sin, but I will get up, repent, and walk towards Christ again and tell people about His Gospel. I will do all of this until Jesus actually returns, maybe in 23 minutes.

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