Monday, May 2, 2011

I Drive a lot

And so I notice a lot of crap. Here are a few things that drive me crazy on the road:

1) Today I pulled up to make a left behind a lady. The light turned green, she didn't go. I honked, she didn't go. The light turned yellow, I kept honking, she didn't go. We then waited for the next green light. (Side note: It was a brand new BMW, so no I wasn't being insensitive about someone who had a broken down car.)

2) People run red lights from a dead stop a lot more now.

3) Where have all of our reflexes gone? Why does it take a good three seconds for some people to press the gas once the light turns green?

4) I wonder how many bicyclists die each year in Escondido? Besides those bicyclists with the spandex, none of them follow any of the rules of the road.

5) Pedestrians want to die. How many times do I see pedestrians trying to cross the street, at night, in dark clothes, NOT at a cross walk or corner?

6) I have wasted 8,394 hours of my life waiting at the lights going East and West on Valley Pkwy at the intersections of Quince and Center City in Escondido. I cannot believe how long those lights keep me at a dead stop before I can go on green.

7) U-turns using the Round Table parking lot are illegal. But that doesn't keep all of Escondido from ignoring that little sign just so they can get to McDonald's.

8) Why do people go under the speed limit in a 45 zone but over the speed limit in a 35 zone?!?

9) People don't want to signal anymore. Of course that's probably because they are holding their phone to their ear with their left hand and don't have a hand free to hit the lever.

10) Backing in I'm a fan of. Could you wait until no cars are coming so that you don't hold up the whole world while doing it?

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