Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Are you really involved?

So we're planting a church. And there have been many people who have asked us who, what, where, when, why, and how. And I really haven't minded answering all of those questions. But the question really on my mind today is how many of these people asking have a church they are actively a part of? How many people are being the church within their community everyday? How many people look at church as a destination and not as a lifestyle taking place with Christ and other believers?

I will probably never know the answer to these questions. I want people to get involved. I want people who call themselves Christians to actually be Christ to their world. So here is the challenge, to everyone, but maybe more specifically to those living in and around Escondido. BE THE CHURCH! Either with us at the Branches Community Church, or as a part of any church that you are currently attending. If your "Church" isn't encouraging you to BE the Church then come to the Branches and we will encourage you to BE the Church with us.

Just know that I am calling you out if you call yourself a Christian and you think that the church is a destination that you go to every Sunday. Don't be that guy/gal.

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