Thursday, May 26, 2011

The In-betweeners

There's been something on my mind lately. Actually it's been on my mind for a long while. And sometimes when something's been on our mind for a while we think it's been on other minds as well, which usually is not the case. So I'm going to write what's been on my mind.

When it comes to the Bible I really want people to either believe what it says or don't believe what it says (preferably the former). I'm tired of the in-betweeners. What do I mean by the in-betweeners? Well I'm glad you asked, here are a few examples.

People who continually want to change what the Bible says to fit their life or other's lifestyles.

People who say they believe in God but will also say they neither read or believe a lot of things in the Bible.

People who continually say that a certain translation, or all translations are tainted by men, so the Bible is bunk or weak. The funny thing about this one is that I've looked up a lot of verses recently in the original language and compared it with good translations and I've found they are almost identical, so whomever made up the ESV or NASB did a really great job.

Denominations that feel it necessary to pick a side. Whether it's Reformed or Arminian, it's almost like we have to pick a side instead of picking the Bible. I've got a good idea, why don't more churches just pick the Bible and just choose to live with the tension of the questions that we really can't answer by saying, "We just don't know." or "The Bible says it so it's true, but we can't understand it yet because we don't have the mind that God has." Classical example being predestination and man's free will to choose God.

So I will get off my soap box now. If you have any further things that you would like to add just leave it in the comment section. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

JAnderson Photography said...

totally agree with you! I love your thoughts! Can't wait for the next one