Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Found this at a friendly neighborhood Walmart. Thought it was thought provoking so I took a picture. One of the many wonderful things we can do now by just grabbing our phone out of our pockets.

A few questions about this sign:
1. Who put this up and thought it was okay?
2. Who thought that orange paper square was the way to go?
3. Did someone purposely do this?
4. I bet most people don't even notice the mistake and buy whatever this sign was selling thinking they were getting a bargain.

It may have just been an honest mistake but it still makes for a funny picture. I want to ask a few questions about your life:

1. Are you putting up a sign that is false and do you think that's okay?
2. Do you think the orange paper is okay?
3. Are you purposely leading people in the wrong direction?
4. Are you a person who is okay being deceived or even deceiving yourself?

You may think I'm reaching here, and you may be right, but I believe these four questions each have a different word associated with them.

1. Advertisement: Anyone pointing people in a direction other then God is pointing people to something false.
2. Mediocrity: Doing just enough to get by isn't what God wants for your life. Praying audacious prayers and giving all that you have IS what God wants for you.
3. Purpose: Does the purpose of your life speak to what you ultimately believe in? Is what you ultimately believe in the right direction?
4. Self Deception: Most people spend their whole life moving from deception to deception because they don't want to be held accountable for their sins, or they don't think there is anything such as sin. Surprisingly enough, Christ came to take all of the world's sin on Himself.

Unfortunately advertisement, mediocrity, lack of purpose, and self deception are a few things keeping far too many people from the Truth. Don't believe the sign.

1 comment:

Mr Art said...

UnBeatable- surely a "sign" of our times. Great piece James. Don't believe everything you see OR hear.
Art G