Thursday, October 13, 2011

God You Heal Me

I am a sinner.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

I am weak and damaged.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

In my deepest distress.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

In my deepest pain.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

I lack faith.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

I lack belief.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

Courage is far from me.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

Anger is my companion.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

The Son has saved me.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

The Spirit is mighty.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

You God are my Healer.
God you know this.
God you heal me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mental Illness?

Aren't we all mentally ill? Don't hear me wrong, I'm not suggesting that there isn't a thing such as mental illness, but because of the fall don't we all have a problem with our heads and hearts. I wonder if the people who are actually diagnosed with a mental illness are the only ones who are actually not mentally ill. In other words, I wonder if all of us should be more vulnerable and speak up about the things that give us anxiety, fear, anger, and all of the other horrible things all of us think about. Maybe the only way to truly deal with the things that go on in our minds is to talk to someone, or better yet, talk to God about them. But unfortunately we will usually not do this. Then we will be stuck in the vicious cycle of thinking things that will cause us more anxiety, fear, anger, etc. Sometimes this leads to action from our anxiety, fear, anger, etc., and that just isn't good at all.

Solution: Talk to God. Talk to someone who loves God. Become vulnerable. Repent. Believe that God will help you. When He does, remember how he helped and continue to grow!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Things I've Been Thinking as a Pastor

(Please don't read this if you have a tendency to take things personally. These thoughts are not directed at any one individual. They are also just thoughts, and they are possibly wrong. But they are my thoughts none the less.)

1. People will always tell you they are coming, and then most won't. (Sorry to those of you who feel like that hits too close to home.)

2. It is hard to start a movement.

3. It is great when it dawns on people that they really can be a part of a church!

4. Most of the time I see the problem but don't know how to fix it, I generally just want to slap it around.

5. Satan's forces are at work.

6. The Holy Spirit is STRONG!

7. I don't rely on the Holy Spirit the way that I should.

8. I need to step up and become a catalyst.

9. Sometimes when things don't work out I look at how they have worked out for other pastors, and there's a moment, a brief moment, when I want to give up.

10. I'm gonna have to force myself to push that publish post button down there.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Problem with Christian Radio

I just had KLOVE on in the car. They were making this grand announcement about their upcoming contest. It was like a five minute thing culminating in them saying that they were going to send the winner to...drum roll please...pause for affect...ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO!

What in the world?!? I win stuff on the radio a lot. Most of the people close to me know this. This year I have won a family four pack to Disney on Ice, which we failed to use, two family four packs to Sea World, that's 8 tickets in case you didn't want to do the math, and two tickets to go see Jason Mraz, and meet him, in November.

You know what I'd do if I won a trip to Albuquerque, NM? I'd give it back, actually I'd take it and refuse to go just so that they couldn't give it to someone else to save them from having to go there. I've driven through there many, many times, I don't know why anyone would want to go there, let alone win tickets to go there.

Hence my problem with Christian Radio, or Christian Movies, or Christian media in general. They don't know how do to anything right. I'll say that probably the only exception to this rule is Air 1, which we don't have here in Escondido. For the most part all of Christendom doesn't know how to gain viewers, keep viewers, or put out a quality product.

Walking in the City Little Things Edition

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This Fine Mess (A Simple Plan to Solve Our Nation's Debt Problem)

So the Republicans aren't interested in bringing in more revenue. The Democrats have caved a little on spending but it's not near enough. What are we going to do to get out of this mess? Well here's the answer. With the amount of money that we're in debt to the world we need to stop all unnecessary spending (and that means ALL) and raise taxes. We can get out of this hole but we need the kind of leadership that will make these changes and not care about which side they are on. When I say leadership I'm not talking about any one person in Washington, I'm talking about all leadership in Washington.

I think my plan is pretty simple. Stop spending. Bring in more money to pay off debt. Done. I think Dave Ramsey would like my strategy as well. ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

G J 22960686 A

Anyone know what that is? Well it's the number off of a $20 bill. Yes, I know you're probably surprised that I have a whole $20 in my pocket, quite frankly, so am I. But I was thinking about that number and what it actually means? Why it's there? Then I started thinking that $20 is far less valuable then it used to be.

Thinking back a couple of weeks ago while I was giving out candy bars in Grape Day Park, $20 was actually quite a bit, relatively that is. A man laying on the ground offered me $.09 for a candy bar because that's all he had. I just gave him one, but $.09 is a very little amount of money. As a matter of fact $20 is 222 times the amount of money of $.09. Can you imagine having just $.09? Think about that and let it sink in. Now, can you imagine having just $.09 with no pay check on the way? Think about that and let THAT sink in.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Most Important Thing

"Everyone is someone who will spend eternity somewhere."

This was a quote form Kris this week at the Branches. I am at a point in my life where I understand this. I'm also at a point where I sometimes have a hard time telling people about Jesus, not because I am scared, but because I know many are going to deny this message. And that makes me sad.

The most important thing you need to know in your life is that Jesus should be your most important thing. If you can think of things, or even a thing, that is more important than Jesus you are going the wrong direction. Repent, which means to turn around and go God's way. Nothing is more important than Jesus.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sidney and Lucas' conversation in the back seat...

This week Sidney and Lucas were having a conversation in the back seat of our car that I overheard, it went something like this...

Sidney: "I thought that kids at Christian school would be a lot nicer than people at a public school."
Lucas: "Yeah, me too. Why do kids that call them selves Christian don't act Christian?!?"
Sidney: "I don't know, it's just really weird."

I wonder what that's all about? :(

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God, Love, and Sushi

Today I realized how easy it is to just let God's Love pour out of me. This, for your information, has really nothing to do with me except for the part where I'm available.

When our upstairs neighbors moved in, about 6 months ago, I felt like we should take them a house warming gift. So my wife made some cookies, and with a little prodding, my whole family took them up to them. They said thank you, and that was that.

Fast forward about five months when my wife and kids were out back playing. Our neighbor, along with her new baby son, came outside and began a conversation with my wife. This turned into a time where my wife and this woman became friends.

Fast forward about one month. Our neighbors are moving and my wife asked if she needed help packing. The lady accepted and my wife helped and brought her and her son some enchiladas. They were going to pack but that ended up on the back burner while Tonya and her sat and talked for a couple of hours.

Fast forward to today. I got a knock at the door while Tonya and Sidney were gone, I was here alone with the boys, it was our neighbor. She asked if Tonya was home and I had to tell her no. She then handed me a plate of home made sushi. I thanked her because we LOVE sushi at our house and then we began to talk right there at the door.

She had some questions about some Bible stuff and I got to share with her about Jesus. She then told me that she would like for me and Tonya to get together with her and her husband when he gets back from his Navy Seal training. She told me she would like for him to spend some time with me because he could use "a mentor". I don't know about the "mentor" part but I'm hoping this works out.

Things come so naturally when we just love people with God's love. We don't even have to work at anything really. When you just start with a simple act of kindness and genuinely just want to build relationships with people, God takes that and runs with it. You don't have to be special just available.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Erasing Hell: What God said about eternity, and the things we've made up" By Francis Chan

Leave it to Francis Chan to rebut without technically rebutting. Anyone who has read "Love Wins" by Rob Bell would absolutely know that this book was a response to Bell's assertions. But at the same time anyone who hadn't read "Love Wins" will find a very Biblical and surprisingly academic yet easy to understand book in "Erasing Hell", that gives any Christian or non-Christian who was curious, what he/she would need to know in regards to hell.

What I liked most about the book is that it said things plainly but was backed up by very good research that anyone could read and say, "I totally get that!"

Chan was also not afraid to just be honest with Scripture and handle it very consistently. In other words he defined words from Greek to English and did it without just making the words be what he wanted them to be. He didn't try to back his argument with Scripture, he used the Scripture as his argument. And I like that.

I would recommend this book to ANYONE.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Everything is Chipping Away

I've long thought about what kind of damage certain things in our society do to us. For example most people say, "that music doesn't influence me, I just like the beat and sound of it", or "that video game won't cause me to go out and kill anyone". And I think in many ways these people are right. But today it kind of dawned on my while I was listening to Wilson Phillips...

Everything is chipping away. Picture an artist looking at a big block of stone. Eventually that stone will become something. Who knows what he has in mind. But eventually, after much time and effort, something will become of that stone after it meets the hammer and chisel enough times.

I think it is the same with us and influences in our lives. With everything that comes into our life we are being formed. The influences in our society may not have a profound impact on our lives ultimately, but after much time spent with things, it forms us into what it wants us to be. It doesn't happen over night. But it does happen.

And so it is with God. God wants to shape and form us. Do we let him chisel? Do we spend time with Him like we do with our music, our games, our friends, our phones, our computers...Do we invest in the good things that our needed to be formed by the Master. Some of these things include getting into the Bible, praying, getting with friends at a service once a week, being at a Bible Study, being like Jesus in our community, etc.

Make no mistake, you are being formed and shaped. The question is: What are you being formed into?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Branches T-Shirt

What do you guys think? Pastor Kris came up with the slogan, it comes out of our purpose and desire to love people with God's love regardless of whether they ever come to know God or not. You can check it out and comment on my facebook page. If you are not my friend on facebook there is no time like the present to do so!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Don't get me wrong when you read this, we've been praying. But who says we can't get all hands on deck! If you are someone who is a part of the Branches Community Church, someone who loves the church, period, or are just a Christ follower who loves to talk to God, would you be willing to pray for one hour a week for this new Church? I don't care how you want to do it, one hour all at the same time, four 15 minute sections a week, or 240 fifteen second segments! Anyway you want it that's the way we need it! Just give me a heads up on my Facebook page that you are "in" with us. That way I can keep track and potentially send you out reminders.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Can vs. Will

"And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, 'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.' And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, 'I will; be clean.' And immediately his leprosy was cleansed." Mark 8:2-3

You know those people in your world that give you an answer to a question like: Can you pass the water? And their response is generally, "Yes." and then they sit there and don't pass the water. Basically trying to correct your grammar by making you realize that they CAN pass the water but what you really should be asking is WILL you pass the water. I don't like those people. Just pass me the darn water!!!

But in the matter of Jesus and our faith, it is a legitimate question to ask. Do we believe He CAN? It's important to go to Jesus with real faith. Of course He CAN! He can do anything. The real statement that we need to make is the one this leper made. "You can make me clean, and if you will that would be great!" Jesus said, "I will." There is faith all over this leper's statement. He knew Jesus could do it, it was just a matter of whether it was in His will or not. It not only showed that this man had faith but that he knew that Jesus was in charge. He didn't demand anything, knowing that there was a possibility that Jesus could will not to, for whatever reason He chose.

I believe this is the way we have to come, humble, broken, and faithful. In this we show our true faith and understanding that God has His ways and that His ways aren't always our ways. God wants us to ask as someone who knows that He CAN do it, and wants us to leave things up to Him.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Facebook Friends

I've heard of many people "cleaning out" their Facebook friends. How does one do this? Maybe I'm the weird one but I guess I don't really believe in "cleaning out" friends.

What would possess you to get rid of someone who you were willing to call a Facebook friend in the past? And I know Facebook friends and real friends are two very different things. I also know that there are some people who are just incompatible with some other people on Facebook. But really, you go into your friend list and just randomly start axing people?!? Just seems inconsiderate at best and down right mean at worst.

I'll probably be down 10 friends by the end of the day. LOL!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Jesus says, "REALLY?!?

The disciples speaking, "This is a desolate place, and the hour is now late. Send them away to go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat." But he said to them, "You give them something to eat." And they said to him, "Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give it to them to eat?" And he said to them, "How many loaves do you have? Go and see." And when they had found out, they said, "Five, and two fish." Then he commanded them all to sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties. And taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven and said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people. And he divided the two fish among them all. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men." Mark 6:35-44

Fast forward to Mark 8:1-10:

"In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples to him and said to them, "I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. And if I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way. And some of them have come from far away." And his disciples answered him, "How can one feed these people with bread here in this desolate place?" And he asked them, "How many loaves do you have?" They said, "Seven." And he directed the crowd to sit down on the ground. And he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and they set them before the crowd. And they had a few small fish. And having blessed them, he said that these also should be set before them. And they ate and were satisfied. And they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full. And there were about four thousand people. And he sent them away. And immediately he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the district of Dalmanutha."

At first, when the disciples during the feeding of this group said, "How can anyone feed these people with bread here in this desolate place?" I picture Jesus looking at them with a wry smile and a wink when He says, "How many loaves do you have?" This is the same question he had with the feeding of the five thousand and I think He was giving them a clue if they weren't already clued in. I wonder if some of the disciples got it, or if they were completely clueless.

Fast forward to Mark 8:14-21:

"Now they had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat. And he cautioned them, saying, "Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod." And they began discussing with one another the fact that they had no bread. And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, "Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?" They said to him, "Twelve." "And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?" And they said to him, "Seven." And he said to them, "Do you not yet understand?"

It's as if Jesus is saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?" "REALLY?!?" "You guys just watched me make bread and fish for five thousand men and then four thousand men and you guys are wondering what we're going to do without bread?!?" I love it when he asks them how many baskets they had left after each time he fed the five thousand and four thousand. I picture the disciples sheepishly looking down and kicking at the bottom of the boat like a little six year old who is in trouble, when they answered, under their breath, "Twelve" and "Seven".

These are the kind of things you catch onto when you read or listen to big chunks of scripture at the same time. I seriously was in my car listening to those last couple of verses and laughed out loud.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Faith in the Tone

"And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him, saying, 'Save us, Lord; we are perishing.' And he said to them, 'Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?' Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm."

I love this story. I love this story so much because of the ramifications it has in our lives. You see the disciples were freaking out. They saw the storm, waves, water in the boat, etc. and they basically were thinking they were toast. Then they went to Jesus who was asleep, that's right, asleep.

Here's what they didn't say, "Jesus (nudging him gently to wake up), we wanted you to know that we are looking forward to seeing you calm this storm and save us all. We know you are the God of the universe and the Messiah and we know this is nothing for you."

You see it's all in the tone. Instead they said, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing." There was something in them that thought Jesus could save them, just not enough to have no fear. Jesus heard it in their tone.

So I've decided I want to have faith in my tone. I want to have no fear, not even in the tone of my voice, because I have Jesus, and worse case scenario I perish and I'm with Him forever. What do I have to fear. The disciples learned this lesson and many of them died because of their faith in Jesus, a far cry from their days in the boat.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Are you really involved?

So we're planting a church. And there have been many people who have asked us who, what, where, when, why, and how. And I really haven't minded answering all of those questions. But the question really on my mind today is how many of these people asking have a church they are actively a part of? How many people are being the church within their community everyday? How many people look at church as a destination and not as a lifestyle taking place with Christ and other believers?

I will probably never know the answer to these questions. I want people to get involved. I want people who call themselves Christians to actually be Christ to their world. So here is the challenge, to everyone, but maybe more specifically to those living in and around Escondido. BE THE CHURCH! Either with us at the Branches Community Church, or as a part of any church that you are currently attending. If your "Church" isn't encouraging you to BE the Church then come to the Branches and we will encourage you to BE the Church with us.

Just know that I am calling you out if you call yourself a Christian and you think that the church is a destination that you go to every Sunday. Don't be that guy/gal.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The In-betweeners

There's been something on my mind lately. Actually it's been on my mind for a long while. And sometimes when something's been on our mind for a while we think it's been on other minds as well, which usually is not the case. So I'm going to write what's been on my mind.

When it comes to the Bible I really want people to either believe what it says or don't believe what it says (preferably the former). I'm tired of the in-betweeners. What do I mean by the in-betweeners? Well I'm glad you asked, here are a few examples.

People who continually want to change what the Bible says to fit their life or other's lifestyles.

People who say they believe in God but will also say they neither read or believe a lot of things in the Bible.

People who continually say that a certain translation, or all translations are tainted by men, so the Bible is bunk or weak. The funny thing about this one is that I've looked up a lot of verses recently in the original language and compared it with good translations and I've found they are almost identical, so whomever made up the ESV or NASB did a really great job.

Denominations that feel it necessary to pick a side. Whether it's Reformed or Arminian, it's almost like we have to pick a side instead of picking the Bible. I've got a good idea, why don't more churches just pick the Bible and just choose to live with the tension of the questions that we really can't answer by saying, "We just don't know." or "The Bible says it so it's true, but we can't understand it yet because we don't have the mind that God has." Classical example being predestination and man's free will to choose God.

So I will get off my soap box now. If you have any further things that you would like to add just leave it in the comment section. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Couple of Good Questions

"As a Pastor where do you see the church transitioning to in the next decade?"

I honestly don't think you'll see much change in the church in the next decade. For the most part the church has been what it is for the past several hundred years.

But, there is a group of Godly people who are stepping up and emphasizing the gospel and the Love of God to the world. There has always been this group, but I believe that it has been growing over the past 20 years and will now continue to grow until Jesus returns. We need it! There are far more people in the world today that need to hear the Gospel of Jesus, we need more Christ lovers. This group has a heart for the gospel and social justice. They want to reach the hurting world in tangible ways with food, shoes, water, money, etc, and the love of Jesus. Isn't that what Jesus did? For far too long people have either tried to reach the world with food, shoes, water, money etc. minus the gospel, or have tried to reach people by sitting in their holy huddles and hoping some other people come into their church, be born again, and become a part of the club. Both ways are wrong. What this world needs are Christ loving disciples that are the hands and feet of Jesus to their world. This world doesn't need a club, it doesn't need a hippie movement, it needs the gospel! In the gospel we find all the hope that is needed for a dying world. It is eternal hope!

"Why do you think that the 'church', not the body, has taken such a huge hit in the past decade?"

Because of what I've stated above. The "church" has wanted people to come to them. You've heard pastor's say things like, "go out and invite your friends to church!" This is a misnomer. We should be the church, not go to "church". We need to go to the world! We need to bring the gospel, even the unread, unspoken, and unpreached gospel to our world. Because when we do what God says we are reading, speaking, and preaching the gospel to the world like Jesus did. I'm not suggesting there is no place for the written or spoken Word, but people are going to be far more accepting of the written and spoken Word when they see it lived out first. It is crucial that we reach and love the lost, teach them what God says, then go do what God says, and tell others how awesome He is! They will become the body of Christ in turn.

Monday, May 23, 2011


So I'm gonna give it a go. I'm going to try to explain whether death should be celebrated or not. It's not gonna be easy because we have a few different things to consider, but it should be fun.

A few weeks ago, as you know, Osama bin Laden was shot and killed by an American soldier. There was more than a few moments where we saw people dancing, singing, and rejoicing in the streets. There were many who thought that this was in poor taste or worse, especially in the Christian community. They got so bent out of shape that it actually put a damper on their day. I found that to be sad.

So what's up? Should we have been rejoicing? Well I guess that depends on which group you are talking about. I'm only going to be talking about two groups here, basically because these are the only two groups I feel educated enough to talk about. ;)

Group One: Those who are agnostic or atheist, in other words there is no belief in God. Why would you not want to celebrate?!? The world had to be considered a little safer after this happened. You could make the case that OBL was not a threat to us holed up in that compound, but I could also make the case that all of the terrorists in the world now have to believe that these forces can find them and will kill them, no questions asked. So any way you slice it there should have been some celebrating going on that night.

Group Two: Christians. I think Christians should have been celebrating as well. Not necessarily in the same way but they should have been rejoicing within themselves that God brought justice and in that more men, women, and children were not going to be killed by this man. And I don't think this is dishonoring to God.

What the Bible says:

Romans 13 1-4, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer."

I can also rejoice because God is right in his Word, and he is a God of justice and love.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

30 Minutes and Counting

Well it's down to 30 minutes and then Jesus will take me to heaven. Well I guess if you believe a false prophet. So what happens when 3:01 arrives? Well, I will actually keep living as Jesus wants me to live. I will occasionally screw up and then I will repent. Not to say that Jesus hasn't forgiven me of all my sins, but my repentance is what I am propelled to with the Holy Spirit inside of me.

Hopefully Harold Camping will repent publicly. Seeing as he put out a false prophesy publicly. But I'm not holding my breath, considering he was more than willing to prophesy falsely about a biggie.

What will True Christianity do with the mess that will have been created in 29 minutes. Well, probably nothing, because hasn't this "mess" been experienced before and won't it be experienced again. People who want to believe that all Christians are crazy will continue to believe that all Christians are crazy. Crazy "Christians" will continue to be crazy and not really believe what the Bible ACTUALLY says.

Bottom line is that I will continue to preach Christ. I will continue to tell people about the gospel today, tomorrow, next week and next year. I will sin, but I will get up, repent, and walk towards Christ again and tell people about His Gospel. I will do all of this until Jesus actually returns, maybe in 23 minutes.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thus Their Language Becameth Antiquated

I honestly can completely appreciate the King James Version of the Bible. It becomes 400 years old this year and that got me to thinking. Some churches and denominations won't use anything but the KJV. This, in my opinion, is a problem.

The problem with using the King James Version in todays context lies in the fact that, although it's beautiful for some to read, it essentially speaks a language that is irrelevant and hard to understand for today's English speakers.

Before the King James Version, and a couple of other versions from Tyndale and Wycliffe came into existence back in the 1400's to 1600's, the church would read the Latin Vulgate to their congregations. Unfortunately not many could understand what was being read, and they couldn't read the Bible themselves.

The sad part is that when churches only use the King James Version of the Bible today they may as well, in many ways, be reading Latin. Most people don't understand most of the stuff that is read to them out of the King James Version. Don't we want them to know what they're hearing and reading?

This is why I would recommend a version that is theologically solid as well as being in the language and pattern we currently use in today's world. Two I would recommend are the English Standard Version (ESV) and the New American Standard Version (NASB). These two translations are doctrinally sound and they are written in a way that most people can understand today. Kind of like how the King James Version was relevant and understandable to the people in England in the 1600's.

And remember God inspired the Scriptures, not a particular translation. Staying true to what God said is of utter importance. Keeping scripture in a particular language that is incomprehensible to people who need to read God's Words is not what God wants for His people. He wants us to read, hear, understand, and do what He says.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Products that have the Market Cornered

I have a growing list of things that I will only buy one Brand of. Tonya is getting more than a little irritated by this, but here is the list so far:


Cream Cheese--Philadelphia

Peanut Butter--Jiff

Dry Roasted Peanuts--Planters

Toilet Paper--Charmin



Thursday, May 5, 2011

Up for a Concert?

I'm not really a concert guy. Actually that's probably the case because I never have any money I want to dedicate to a concert. I'm not interested in going to a concert just to see whomever it is while my nose is bleeding. I'd prefer seats where I can actually see the artist live and not up on a big screen, and these tickets usually cost a lot of money. My thinking: I may as well watch them on TV or You Tube if that's the case.

But there is a concert I want to see. I'd love to see Adele in concert. Preferably in a small, intimate coffee house or club somewhere in San Diego. I don't know if it will ever happen but it is a wish of mine.

Who would you like to see in concert?

Monday, May 2, 2011

I Drive a lot

And so I notice a lot of crap. Here are a few things that drive me crazy on the road:

1) Today I pulled up to make a left behind a lady. The light turned green, she didn't go. I honked, she didn't go. The light turned yellow, I kept honking, she didn't go. We then waited for the next green light. (Side note: It was a brand new BMW, so no I wasn't being insensitive about someone who had a broken down car.)

2) People run red lights from a dead stop a lot more now.

3) Where have all of our reflexes gone? Why does it take a good three seconds for some people to press the gas once the light turns green?

4) I wonder how many bicyclists die each year in Escondido? Besides those bicyclists with the spandex, none of them follow any of the rules of the road.

5) Pedestrians want to die. How many times do I see pedestrians trying to cross the street, at night, in dark clothes, NOT at a cross walk or corner?

6) I have wasted 8,394 hours of my life waiting at the lights going East and West on Valley Pkwy at the intersections of Quince and Center City in Escondido. I cannot believe how long those lights keep me at a dead stop before I can go on green.

7) U-turns using the Round Table parking lot are illegal. But that doesn't keep all of Escondido from ignoring that little sign just so they can get to McDonald's.

8) Why do people go under the speed limit in a 45 zone but over the speed limit in a 35 zone?!?

9) People don't want to signal anymore. Of course that's probably because they are holding their phone to their ear with their left hand and don't have a hand free to hit the lever.

10) Backing in I'm a fan of. Could you wait until no cars are coming so that you don't hold up the whole world while doing it?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Interview: Clarification

I really appreciated the North County Times doing a story on the Branches. I also understand how difficult it must be to interview someone and try to get everything right. Sometimes there are things that just get changed, misunderstood, or are lost in translation. So here is a list of things that were a little skewed let's say: (by the way, you can find the article here)

1) I didn't go to "seminary", I went to Barclay College in Haviland, Kansas.

2) "The church's mission, Pinkerton says, is to emphasize the Bible." Now I can see how Dan Bennett got that from what I said, and I am very happy with that, but what I really said was, "The church's mission is to ask people to come as they are, hear what God says, do what God says, and tell others how awesome He is!" I then went onto say that we are all about the Bible.

3) There was a section that was a long quote by me and at the end it said, "Our purpose is to love people with God's love, and understand that we all have God in us." Now I'm sure that I said 'Our purpose is to love people with God's love' but where the discussion went from there, I'm sure I didn't say that we all have God in us. As someone who "Confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believes in their heart that God raised Him from the dead." then you have God in you. We were all created in God's image but we need to repent and believe into Jesus. We hope this happens at the Branches for a lot of people!

4) "We have a vision, and our core values speak to the mission, but people are free to use those as they will." I don't know where this actually came from. I know I talked about the vision, our core values, and the mission but I don't know how this came out sounding like this. I probably said something like "We have a vision, and our core values speak to the mission, but people are just invited to come as they are."

5) "We hope to have a Bible Study every other week." I said we have a Men's Bible Study every other week right now and we want to add a Woman's Bible Study.

6) "We don't necessarily want to have a large sanctuary" I said something very similar to this but my emphasis was the fact that we don't want to have a "sanctuary" at all. I wouldn't mind having a large gathering place, but it will not be called a sanctuary. ;)

I want to commend Dan Bennett for having a set of great questions for me to answer during the interview. I also understand how papers work. There are so many words that can be dedicated to an article. I talk a lot and there was no way he was going to get all of those words in there. For the most part the article was great. I'm not complaining at all, just clarifying so that some of you could hear what I fully meant by some of my comments. Thank you North County Times for the love. We really appreciate it!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nature Shananagans

I was watching my son play outside today and was bewildered at first by some of the things he decided were so much fun. Here is a list:

1) Tearing up those small root thingies that look like sticks that connect to the ground on both ends.

2) Walk back and forth on the big roots.

3) Tearing bark off the tree.

4) Picking at the grass.

And as I was wondering why he was finding this stuff so entertaining all of a sudden a flood of memories came back. I remembered tearing up those root thingies. I remembered walking on the big roots. I remembered tearing bark off the tree, then I remember someone getting onto me about how the tree was going to die if I tore too much off. I remember picking grass and making a pile out of it.

For some reason we really love playing with nature as kids. I wonder if there's something to that. Besides my Atari 2600 I really don't remember playing with any particular toy as a kid. But today I did remembered playing with nature, my son reminded me.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm Exhausted in the Lord

I slept about 5 hours last night. Excited to share a day with God and people at the Branches Community Church.

We met at the school at 8:00 to blow up balloons and get the EGGSPLOSION ready. We made quick work of that and watched as many families came in to grab some of the 5,000 candy filled eggs. I don't think that anyone counted but there were probably 70 people there at the EGGSPLOSION. It was fun watching the kids go at it. My mom did a great job organizing the event and everyone did a great job pulling it off.

Then it was worship time! We had a great time together, watching, singing, listening, praying, thinking, etc. Nathan did a great job with the slides. Kris brought the thunder out of John 20 with the message. Brandon, Matt, and Anne Marie had a great set ready for us, including the song by Hillsong United "Stronger". JJ, Lydia, and Steve did a great job with all of the media stuff. Kimberly just seems to do a little bit of everything (including my hair). Tammy and Shelby of course have the coffee, doughnuts, and other drinks ready. I love working with these folks.

My sisters again knocked it out of the park with the little kids. Susan planned a great craft where the kids could roll the stone away. And my wife was great spending time with the kids who were a little too old for the nursery.

God is building a great community of people that love each other. Our talents are spaced out just about perfectly.

What was so exciting this morning was seeing families I had never seen before. God is building His Church. And I am exhausted in the Lord and will get a very good nights sleep tonight.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blessed by God

Well it happened again. We were blessed again. It's getting kind of ridiculous at this point.

It started well before Catalyst West but this story is about that conference and how God blessed us while we were there and the subsequent blessings. My wife and I while attending this Catalyst saw some things that we would love to have for our ministry. Of course being the poor (financially speaking) church leaders that we are we couldn't afford these things. We noticed that many booths were giving away iPads. We had been really wanting an iPad and decided to sign up at all the booths that were giving them away.

There was one booth in particular that caught our eye. They were giving out the iPad but they were also giving away the brand new Francis Chan curriculum, some children's curriculum, and some worship music as well in their drawing. We said to each other how great it would be to win that particular contest.

We also passed the Project 7 booth. Project 7 is a booth that sells coffee to churches and individuals on a monthly subscription basis. It is a ministry to help people, their mission, "You buy, we give." They too were having a drawing, for a year's subscription for coffee. We were actually standing there trying to decide if we should purchase a years subscription for the church, but alas, back to the poor thing again.

Fast forward to about a week ago. Tonya gets an email announcing that she is a winner of the iPad, Francis Chan curriculum, children's curriculum, and worship music!

Fast forward to two days ago. I get a call from Project 7 that I was a winner of a year's subscription of coffee!

We left Catalyst just thinking that someone else won the prizes, which never really gets us down because of the number of people we were in the drawing with, only to find out a month or so later we were both winners. God is good. He knows we need these things for the church and He is providing. He is also writing a pretty good story.

Monday, April 18, 2011


"Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.". Jude 1:3

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:N Citrus Ave,Escondido,United States

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Subway vs. Taco Bell

On Fridays I take my kids lunch. I like to take them what they like to eat as a treat. Unfortunately I usually have to go to two different places, but for them I will do this. This week I got out the door a few minutes after the time I intended to leave. This is a problem. Generally it's a problem because of some of the anxiety issues my son deals with. You see, if I'm not there waiting at the door for him when he gets out of class he starts worrying. Worrying that I forgot or that I'm not going to come. I don't think it's about the food at all, it's more about whether his dad remembers him. It's happened rarely but when it happens, the sick look on his face is enough for me to make sure that I'm there the next time when I say I'm going to be there.

This Friday though I learned a lesson. This Friday, like I said before, I got out the door late. Sidney wanted Subway and Lucas wanted Taco Bell. I pulled out of the lot and went to Subway first. I felt like everything was in slow motion at Subway. Everything just took so long. I probably wasted 15 minutes in line amongst other things. As I left the parking lot at Subway I knew I was screwed. Then I missed the light, one of the slowest lights in Escondido. So I decided not to turn left and to go through the green and go around the block. Good delivery driver move. I then missed the next light. Then I had the sick look on MY face.

Then...I prayed. I prayed that Taco Bell would be FAST! I prayed that God would pave the way for me to get through that drive thru with a speed that could not be explained. And you know what, God did it! I've never been through a drive thru faster, and I've been thru a lot of drive thrus.

So I was rejoicing, knowing that I would be on time for my son. As I pulled into the school and got out of the car I was so looking forward to writing this blog about how God had gotten me out of a jam. Then it happened. As I walked by the office my son walked out with that sick look on his face, my heart sank. I apologized and he accepted and we sat together while he ate. He was okay after a few seconds.

But I couldn't help examine in myself what had just happened. Why would God provide a way at Taco Bell only to get me to the school just moments after Lucas got out of his class? Then I really thought about it.

You see God has been teaching me about trust recently. Do I truly trust Him? As I thought about this in this setting, Subway vs. Taco Bell, it wasn't a competition between them at all, it was a competition between my trust of God vs. my distrust of God. I got myself in a jam, I let the jam extend, then, when I was at my wits end I prayed. I didn't pray for God to get me to the school on time, I prayed that the drive thru would be fast. It's like I wanted to do a bunch of it on my own and then have God do a little part. Why couldn't I trust God when I walked out of the house, knowing I may be late, with the whole enchilada?!?

I have a feeling things at Subway would have gone a lot differently, things at those lights would have been different, my attitude would have been different, and there would have been no sick look on anyone's face.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Who's side are you on anyway?!?

It seems that a lot of people are wanting to take sides recently. In my life I have felt that some people think I'm on one side or another. I'm really not, at least when it comes to particular human sides. I have been listening to and reading a lot of different people recently. As a person I like most of the stuff I read, probably because I generally stick to reading people that I connect with on a theological level. But I do read stuff that I disagree with. As I analyze why I tend to agree and love to read some and why I disagree and tend to not love reading others I think it comes down to something very simple. The way they handle scripture.

Now some of you may be thinking, "Well James, you just like reading or accept the writing of people you happen to agree with and how they interpret scripture." Well you may be right. As a matter of fact you are probably incredibly right. But I made a promise to myself many years ago that if the Bible said something, that something was true, whether I like what it says or not. The Bible is clearer than many give it credit for. The problem most people have is that it says something they don't want to hear. And so they "interpret" the Bible differently, or try to anyway. Basically, I want the Bible to say to me just exactly what IT wants to say to me.

Here are a few examples so you get what I mean:

I believe that baptism should be done by immersion because the Greek word used for baptism is translated as immerse.

I believe Jesus was and is God, because He claimed to be.

I believe God predestined people to be His and I also believe we have the option to repent or not to repent. I don't understand how that works together but I also don't pretend to have the mind of God.

I believe that God created the world.

I believe that gossip, lying, murder, homosexuality, stealing, coveting, adultery, and obviously many other things are sins because they Bible says they are.

I believe we all sin and we all need forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins and he calls us to holiness, not sin.

I could list about 482 more things or more.

What I am trying to say, with this whole post, is that I am not on any man's side. I am on God's side. If someone is trying to take a swipe at Scripture, God's Words, and change what the Bible is plainly saying, you may think that I'm not on their side, but in all actuality I am just standing squarely on the side of what the Bible says. If I quote someone that I agree with it's not because I am on their side, it's because I am on the side of what the Bible says. Believe it or not there are men and women out there that look at what the Bible says, believe what it says is true, and then live according to what says.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rob Bell in His Own Words (Part Four)

Lisa Miller interviewed Mr. Bell a day before "Love Wins" released. Here is an excerpt of that interview:

"Let’s get right to it. You have been accused in a lot of the coverage of your book of being a universalist. A universalist, in theological terms, means that everybody gets to go to heaven – everybody is allowed to go to heaven. That means Buddhists, Hindus – you can reinterpret my definition when I’m done – Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Atheists, all get to go to heaven. Are you a universalist?" Lisa Miller

"No – if by universalist we mean there’s a giant cosmic arm that swoops everybody in at some point, whether you want to be there or not." Mr. Bell

At this point, if I were Lisa Miller, I would have interrupted and interjected this question: "What I mean by universalist in the context of your book is, God love will "melt everyone's heart". What do you mean by "everyone"? Your book talks about Buddhists, Hindus, and Baptists from Cleveland, with the strong insinuation that people will be uncomfortable when others find them in heaven. Do you believe life long Buddhists, Hindus, and even Baptists from Cleveland will be in heaven? Do you believe that people who die still have a chance to find Jesus post mortem? Essentially saying that everyone will eventually want to be at the party?"

To me this is universalism. You can say that universalism means that God swoops down and grabs everyone, or you can say that everyone will be saved eventually, through God's love melting their hearts, they are essentially the same things. Wouldn't it be God's loving arm that swoops down and grabs everyone? Mr. Bell needs to quit with the tap dance and just come out and say that one way or another everyone will be saved from hell in the end, because hell's not eternal or forever.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rob Bell in His Own Words (Part Three)

"As soon as the door is opened to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Baptists from Cleveland, many Christians become very uneasy, saying that then Jesus doesn't matter anymore, the cross is irrelevant, it doesn't matter what you believe, and so forth.

Not True.
Absolutely, unequivocally, unalterably not true.

What Jesus does is declare that he,
and he alone,
is saving everybody.

And then he leaves the door way, way open. Creating all sorts of possibilities. He is as narrow as himself and as wide as the universe."

All of the above words are Mr. Bells. If what Mr. Bell is saying is that any Muslim can turn to God and repent and have faith in Christ and Christ alone, then I am in total agreement with him. Unfortunately what I believe he is saying is that Jesus will save everyone on their path, whatever path that may be, either that or they can repent and have faith in Jesus after death.

Again, back to Acts 4:12, "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

People can't call on the name of Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, etc. to be saved, if I am to believe what the Bible says is true. Now if I don't want to believe what the Bible says is true then I can believe what Mr. Bell is saying above. But I can't believe it if I don't want to throw out Acts 4:12 and any one of a number of other whole sections of the Bible.

Monday, April 4, 2011

If God didn't...

If God didn't create everything...

Why are there just males and females? Why not a gagillion different types?

How did our eye balls develop the ability to see? They are like mega computers after all.

How did the whole sex thing just magically happen? In other words how did a woman develop an egg and a man develop sperm and then they mix to become another human?

How much time would it have really taken to develop the human body to actually do all that it does?

DNA? How?

Cells? How?

Atmosphere? How?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rob Bell in His Own Words (Part Two)

"And then there are others who can live with two destinations, two realities after death, but insist that there must be some kind of 'second chance' for those who don't believe in Jesus in this lifetime. In a letter Martin Luther, one of the leaders of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation, wrote to Hans von Rechenberg in 1522 about the possibility that people could turn to God after death, asking: 'Who would doubt God's ability to do that?'"

Now Luther in context. Kind of interesting how Mr. Bell takes a eight word question in this letter and makes it sound like Luther is on his side.

"If God were to save anyone without faith, he would be acting contrary to his own words and would give himself the lie; yes, he would deny himself. And that is impossible for, as St. Paul declares, God cannot deny himself [II Tim. 2:13]. It is as impossible for God to save without faith as it is impossible for divine truth to lie. That is clear, obvious, and easily understood, no matter how reluctant the old wineskin is to hold this wine—yes, is unable to hold and contain it.

It would be quite a different question whether God can impart faith to some in the hour of death or after death so that these people could be saved through faith. Who would doubt God’s ability to do that? No one, however, can prove that he does do this. For all that we read is that he has already raised people from the dead and thus granted them faith. But whether he gives faith or not, it is impossible for anyone to be saved without faith. Otherwise every sermon, the gospel, and faith would be vain, false, and deceptive, since the entire gospel makes faith necessary. (Works, 43, ed. and trans. G. Wienke and H. T. Lehmann [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1968], 53-54; WA 10.ii, 324.25-325.11)"

I think any Christian could say, "Who would doubt God's ability to do that?" about ANYTHING. But what Luther is not saying here, in context, is that everyone will be saved in the end. It would contradict what he had just said in the paragraph previously.

Now back to Mr. Bell:

"And so space is created in this 'who would doubt God's ability to do that?' perspective for all kinds of people--fifteen-year-old atheists, people from other religions, and people who rejected Jesus because the only Jesus they ever saw was an oppressive figure who did anything but show God's love.

And then there are others who ask, if you get another chance after you die, why limit that chance to a one-off immediately after death? And so they expand the possibilities, trusting that there will be endless opportunities in an endless amount of time for people to say yes to God.

As long as it takes, in other words.

At the heart of this perspective is the belief that, given enough time, everybody will turn to God and find themselves in the joy and peace of God's presence. The love of God will melt every hard heart, and even the most 'depraved sinners' will eventually give up their resistance and turn to God.

And so, beginning with the early church, there is a long tradition of Christians who believe that God will ultimately restore everything and everybody, because Jesus says in Matthew 19 that there will be a 'renewal of all things,' Peter says in Acts 3 that Jesus will 'restore everything' and Paul says in Colossians 1 that through Christ 'God was pleased to...reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven.'"

Let's start with the scripture:

Matthew 19: I just read it and that mini quote is no where to be found, but this is verse 29:
"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life."

Acts 3:

18 "But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that this Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled. 19 Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, 20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, 21 whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago. 22Moses said, 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you. 23 And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people.' 24 And all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came after him, also proclaimed these days. 25 You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, 'And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.' 26 God, having raised up his servant, sent him to you first, to bless you by turning every one of you from your wickedness."

I don't know if "restore everything" and "restoring all the things about which God spoke" are the same thing, or if Mr. Bell just took two words out of a passage that doesn't mean what he thinks or wants it to mean. Bottom line is that Paul is far two clear about salvation, especially in Acts 4, for us to jump to universalism from two words that Mr. Bell took out of context in Acts 3.

Colossians 1:

15 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning,the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. 21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, 23if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister."

Does Mr. Bell not look at verse 23? It is far too easy to refute universalism with the actual sections of scripture that Mr. Bell uses himself to try to prove universalism.

So help me here folks. How is Mr. Bell not teaching universalism? I don't believe these early church fathers Mr. Bell refers to, or Martin Luther would agree with Mr. Bell on his takes in scripture. But if they did I would look at them as unbiblical as well. I don't think any of us should ever place someone on Christ's throne. If someone believes something that is contrary to the gospel and scripture then they are a false teacher.